An estimated 55,855 dugouts existed in eastern South Dakota in 1976. That is a frequency of .66 per square kilometer (1.7/square mile). About 77 percent of the dugouts were in wetland basins or streams. An analysis of dugout location in reference to wetland class and wetland numbers relative to class suggests a need for recommendations on dugout placement to minimize effects of the structures on wetlands.
Kelly B. McPhillips and Raymond L. Hinder are with the South Dakota Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, and Lester D. Flake is with the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, South Dakota Stale University, P.O. Box 2207, Brookings, South Dakota 57007. W. Alan Wentz, formerly with the South Dakota Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, now works for the National Wildlife Federation, 1412 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D C. 20036. Financial support for this study was provided by the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks through the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program (P.R.-Project W-75-R), the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (Project 7216-615), and the Water Resources Institute (Project A-038-SDAK). South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 1881.
- Copyright 1983 by the Soil and Water Conservation Society
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