A simple rapid rotary sieve has been developed to determine the percentage of soil aggregates (greater than 0.84 mm) that are not erodible by wind and the relative mechanical stability of dry soil aggregates. Aggregate stability, which is influenced by agricultural management systems, is important in controlling erosion. The rapid rotary sieve is simple to construct, requires less than $200 for materials, and takes one-sixth the sieving time of a standard compact rotary sieve.
Donald W. Fryrear ii an agricultural engineer with the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Big Spring, Texas 79720. The author acknowledges the assistance of Paula Harrison in assembling the data and Jeanette Lackey in running the sieve tests. This article is a contribution from ARS-USDA in cooperation with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.
- Copyright 1985 by the Soil and Water Conservation Society
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