Profitability and nutrient loss in runoff and sediment of alternative manure utilization strategies integrated with conservation tillage in irrigated agriculture were examined for the Tierra Blanca Creek watershed in the central Texas panhandle. Average and maximum nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses in runoff and long-term accumulations of P in the topsoil were simulated. These factors were considered to be environmental indicators of water and soil quality when applying manure and commercial fertilizers. Costs and profitability of alternative manure management strategies were compared to determine how to best safeguard the environment while maximizing profits. The study found that both objectives could be achieved with the application of N fertilizer combined with a reduced manure rate using conservation tillage to eliminate fallowing. A sensitivity analysis of the price of anhydrous ammonia indicated that a 50% increase would, however, reduce the profitability of this strategy to less than that of the two all-manure utilization strategies.
Erda Wang is assistant professor in the Department of Agribusiness at Tarleton State University, Texas A&M University System, Stephenville, Texas; Wyatte L. Harman is professor of Agricultural Economics and Jimmy R. Williams is research scientist at the Blackland Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M University System, Temple, Texas; and John M. Sweeten is director and professor at Texas A&M University Research and Extension at Amarillo, Amarillo, Texas.
- Copyright 2002 by the Soil and Water Conservation Society
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