Research ArticleA Section
The first five years of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Lisa F. Duriancik, Dale Bucks, James P. Dobrowolski, Tom Drewes, S. Diane Eckles, Leonard Jolley, Robert L. Kellogg, Daryl Lund, Joseph R. Makuch, Michael P. O'Neill, Charles A. Rewa, Mark R. Walbridge, Roberta Parry and Mark A. Weltz
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation November 2008, 63 (6) 185A-197A; DOI:
Lisa F. Duriancik
Dale Bucks
James P. Dobrowolski
Tom Drewes
S. Diane Eckles
Leonard Jolley
Robert L. Kellogg
Daryl Lund
Joseph R. Makuch
Michael P. O'Neill
Charles A. Rewa
Mark R. Walbridge
Roberta Parry
Article Information
vol. 63 no. 6 185A-197A
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© 2008 by the Soil and Water Conservation Society
Author Information
- Lisa F. Duriancik,
- Dale Bucks,
- James P. Dobrowolski,
- Tom Drewes,
- S. Diane Eckles,
- Leonard Jolley,
- Robert L. Kellogg,
- Daryl Lund,
- Joseph R. Makuch,
- Michael P. O'Neill,
- Charles A. Rewa,
- Mark R. Walbridge,
- Roberta Parry, and
- Mark A. Weltz
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In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 63, Issue 6
November/December 2008
The first five years of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Lisa F. Duriancik, Dale Bucks, James P. Dobrowolski, Tom Drewes, S. Diane Eckles, Leonard Jolley, Robert L. Kellogg, Daryl Lund, Joseph R. Makuch, Michael P. O'Neill, Charles A. Rewa, Mark R. Walbridge, Roberta Parry, Mark A. Weltz
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Nov 2008, 63 (6) 185A-197A; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.63.6.185A
The first five years of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Lisa F. Duriancik, Dale Bucks, James P. Dobrowolski, Tom Drewes, S. Diane Eckles, Leonard Jolley, Robert L. Kellogg, Daryl Lund, Joseph R. Makuch, Michael P. O'Neill, Charles A. Rewa, Mark R. Walbridge, Roberta Parry, Mark A. Weltz
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Nov 2008, 63 (6) 185A-197A; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.63.6.185A
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