Research ArticleResearch Section
Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source model application for Mississippi Delta Beasley Lake watershed conservation practices assessment
Y. Yuan, M.A. Locke and R.L. Bingner
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation November 2008, 63 (6) 542-551; DOI:
Y. Yuan
M.A. Locke
- Andraski T.W.,
- Bundy L.G.,
- Kilian K.C.
- Bagnold R.A.
- Bingner R.L.,
- Theurer F.D.
- Bingner R.L.,
- Theurer F.D.,
- Yuan Y.
- Borah D.K.,
- Bera M.,
- Shaw S.
- Cooper C.M.,
- Lipe W.M.
- Dabney M.S.,
- Wilson G.V.,
- Mcgregor K.C.,
- Foster G.R.
- Darden R.,
- Justice V.,
- Bingner R.L.,
- Theurer F.D.
- Daverede I.C.,
- Kravchenko A.N.,
- Hoeft R.G.,
- Nafziger E.D.,
- Bullock D.G.,
- Warren J.J.,
- Gonzini L.C.
- Dillaha T.A.,
- Reneau R.B.,
- Mostaghimi S.,
- Lee D.
- Freeze R.A.,
- Cherry J.A.
- Hawkins R.H.
- Hawkins R.H.
- Hjelmfelt A.T.,
- Kramer L.A.,
- Burwell R.E.
- Singh V. P.
- Jenson M.E.,
- Burman R.D.,
- Allen R.G.
- Knight S.S.,
- Welch T.D.
- Nett T.M.,
- Locke A.M.,
- Dean Pennington A.
- Laflen J.M.,
- Johnson H.P.,
- Hartwig R.O.
- Licciardello F.,
- Zema D.A.,
- Zimbone S.M.,
- Bingner R.L.
- Lindley M.R.,
- Barfield B.J.,
- Ascough J.C., II,
- Wilson B.N.,
- Stevens E.W.
- Line D.E.
- Locke M.A.
- Nett T.M.,
- Locke A.M.,
- Dean Pennington A.
- Locke M.A.,
- Zablotowicz R.M.,
- Weaver M.A.
- Singh H.P.,
- Batish D.R.,
- Kohli R.K.
- Locke M.A.,
- Knight S.S.,
- Smith S., Jr.,
- Cullum R.F.,
- Zablotowicz R.M.,
- Yuan Y.,
- Bingner R.L.
- Mausbach M.J.,
- Dedrick A.R.
- Moriasi D.N.,
- Arnold J.G.,
- Liew M.W.,
- Bingner R.L.,
- Harmel R.D.,
- Veith T.
- Penman H.L.
- Rebich A.R.
- Nett T.M.,
- Locke A.M.,
- Dean Pennington A.
- Renard K.G.,
- Foster G.R.,
- Weesies G.A.,
- McCool D.K.,
- Yoder D.C.
- Robinson C.A.,
- Ghaffarzadah M.,
- Cruse R.M.
- Shih G.,
- Abtew W.,
- Obeysekera J.
- Smedema L.K.,
- Rycroft D.W.
- Smith R.E.
- Snipes C.E.,
- Evans L.P.,
- Poston D.H.,
- Nichols S.P.
- Nett T.M.,
- Locke A.M.,
- Dean Pennington A.
- Stone K.C.,
- Hunt P.G.,
- Novak J.M.,
- Johnson M.H.,
- Watts D.W.
- Suttles J.B.,
- Vellidis G.,
- Bosch D.,
- Lowrance R.,
- Sheridan J.M.,
- Usery E.L.
- Theurer F.D.,
- Clarke C.D.
- USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Service).
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
- USDA Soil Conservation Service.
- Willmott C.J.
- Gaile G.L.,
- Willmott C.J.
- Young R.A.,
- Onstad C.A.,
- Bosch D.D.,
- Anderson W.P.
- Yuan Y.,
- Bingner R.L.,
- Rebich R.A.
- Yuan Y.,
- Bingner R.L.,
- Theurer F.D.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 63, Issue 6
November/December 2008
Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source model application for Mississippi Delta Beasley Lake watershed conservation practices assessment
Y. Yuan, M.A. Locke, R.L. Bingner
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Nov 2008, 63 (6) 542-551; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.63.6.542
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