Research ArticleResearch Section
Livestock grazing and vegetative filter strip buffer effects on runoff sediment, nitrate, and phosphorus losses
D.F. Webber, S.K. Mickelson, S.I. Ahmed, J.R. Russell, W.J. Powers, R.C. Schultz and J.L. Kovar
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation January 2010, 65 (1) 34-41; DOI:
D.F. Webber
S.K. Mickelson
S.I. Ahmed
J.R. Russell
W.J. Powers
R.C. Schultz
- American Water Works Association
- Arora K.,
- Mickelson S.K.,
- Baker J.L.
- Barling R.D.,
- Moore I.D.
- Broadmeadow S.,
- Nisbet T.R.
- Brueland B.A.,
- Harmoney K.R.,
- Moore K.J.,
- George J.R.,
- Brummer E.C.
- Cochran W.G.,
- Cox G.W.
- Dillaha T.A.,
- Reneau R.B.,
- Mostaghimi S.,
- Lee D.
- Doll J.E.,
- Jackson R.D.
- Dosskey M.G.,
- Helmers M.J.,
- Eisenhauer D.E.,
- Franti T.G.,
- Hoagland K.D.
- Dosskey M.G.,
- Hoagland K.D.,
- Brandle J.R.
- Downing J.A.,
- Kopaska J.,
- Bonneau D.
- Fangmeier D.D.,
- Elliot W.J.,
- Workman S.R.,
- Huffman R.L.,
- Schwab G.O.
- Gharabaghi B.,
- Whiteley H.R.,
- Dickinson W.T.
- Gilley J.E.,
- Eghball B.,
- Kramer L.A.,
- Moorman T.B.
- Gillingham A.G.,
- Thorrold B.S.
- Hach Company
- Hansen N.C.,
- Goyal S.
- Hitchcock A.S.
- Hubbard R.K.,
- Newton G.L.,
- Gascho G.J.
- IDOT (Iowa Department of Transportation)
- James E.,
- Kleinman P.,
- Veith T.,
- Stedman R.,
- Sharpley A.
- Koelsch R.K.,
- Lorimor J.C.,
- Mankin K.R.
- Krzic M.,
- Newman R.F.,
- Trethewey C.,
- Bulmer C.E.,
- Chapman B.K.
- Lee K.H.,
- Isenhart T.M.,
- Schultz R.C.,
- Mickelson S.K.
- Madramootoo C.A.,
- Wiyo K.A.,
- Enright P.
- Mathews B.W.,
- Sollenberger L.E.,
- Nair V.D.,
- Staples C.R.
- Mickelson S.K.,
- Baker J.L.
- Mitchell R.B.,
- Moser L.E.,
- Moore K.J.,
- Redfearn D.D.
- Moore K.J.,
- White T.A.,
- Hintz R.L.,
- Patrick P.K.,
- Brummer E.C.
- Nash D.,
- Hannah M.,
- Halliwell D.,
- Murdoch C.
- Nelson P.N.,
- Cotsaris E.,
- Oades J.M.
- NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
- Oelmann D.B.
- Owens L.B.,
- Edwards W.N.,
- Van Keuren R.W.
- Prior J.C.
- Ree W.O.
- Roberts C.,
- Kallenbach R.L.
- SAS (Statistical Analysis Systems) Institute
- Sauer T.J.,
- Daniel T.C.,
- Nichols D.J.,
- West C.P.,
- Moore P.A. Jr.,
- Wheeler G.L.
- Schepers J.C.,
- Francis D.D.
- Schultz R.C.,
- Wray P.H.,
- Colletti J.P.,
- Isenhart T.M.,
- Rodrigues C.A.,
- Kuehl A.
- Self-Davis M.L.,
- Moore P.A.,
- Daniel T.C.,
- Nichols D.J.,
- Sauer T.J.,
- West C.P.,
- Aiken G.E.,
- Edwards D.R.
- Sharpley A.N.,
- Syers J.K.
- Smith M.,
- Melvin S.,
- Pope R.,
- Miller G.,
- Cruse R.
- Snyder C.S.,
- Thom B.,
- Edwards D.
- Steinke K.,
- Stier J.C.,
- Kussow W.R.,
- Thompson A.
- Stout W.L.,
- Weaver S.R.,
- Gburek W.J.,
- Folmar G.J.,
- Schnabel R.R.
- Tracy B.F.,
- Faulkner D.B.
- USDA SCS (Soil Conservation Service)
- USGS (US Geological Survey)
- Webber D.F.,
- Mickelson S.K.,
- Richard T.L.,
- Ahn H.K.
- Wenger S.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 65, Issue 1
January/February 2010
Livestock grazing and vegetative filter strip buffer effects on runoff sediment, nitrate, and phosphorus losses
D.F. Webber, S.K. Mickelson, S.I. Ahmed, J.R. Russell, W.J. Powers, R.C. Schultz, J.L. Kovar
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jan 2010, 65 (1) 34-41; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.65.1.34
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