Research ArticleResearch Section
Modeling climate change effects on runoff and soil erosion in southeastern Arizona rangelands and implications for mitigation with conservation practices
Y. Zhang, M. Hernandez, E. Anson, M.A. Nearing, H. Wei, J.J. Stone and P. Heilman
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation September 2012, 67 (5) 390-405; DOI:
Y. Zhang
M. Hernandez
E. Anson
M.A. Nearing
H. Wei
J.J. Stone
- Baffaut C.,
- Nearing M.A.,
- Nicks A.D.
- DeBano L.F.,
- Neary D.G.,
- Ffolliott P.F.
- Easterling D.R.,
- Meehl G.A.,
- Parmesan C.,
- Changnon S.A.,
- Karl T.R.,
- Mearns L.O.
- Ellis A.W.,
- Goodrich G.B.,
- Garfin G.M.
- Flanagan D.C.,
- Nearing M.A.
- Fleischner T.L.
- Groisman P.Y.,
- Knight R.W.,
- Karl T.R.,
- Easterling D.R.,
- Sun B.,
- Lawrimore J.H.
- Heisler-White J.L.,
- Blair J.M.,
- Kelly E.F.,
- Harmoney K.,
- Knapp A.K.
- Heisler-White J.L.,
- Knapp A.K.,
- Kelly E.F.
- Solomon S.,
- et al
- IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
- Johnson H.B.,
- Meyeux H.S. Jr..
- Karl T.R.,
- Knight R.W.
- Karl T.R.,
- Melillo J.M.,
- Peterson T.C.
- Knapp A.K.,
- Beier C.,
- Briske D.D.,
- Classen A.T.,
- Luo Y.,
- Reichstein M.,
- Smith M.D.,
- Smith S.D.,
- Bell J.E.,
- Fay P.A.,
- Heisler J.L.,
- Leavitt S.W.,
- Sherry R.,
- Smith B.,
- Weng E.
- McClaran M.P.,
- Ffolliott P.F.,
- Edminster C.B.
- McClaran M.P.
- Nearing M.A.,
- Wei H.,
- Stone J.J.,
- Pierson F.B.,
- Spaeth K.E.,
- Weltz M.A.,
- Flanagan D.C.,
- Hernandez M.
- Nicks A.D.,
- Gander G.A.
- Okin G.S.,
- D'Odorico P.,
- Archer S.R.
- Polyakov V.,
- Nearing M.A.,
- Nichols M.H.,
- Scott R.L.,
- Stone J.J.,
- McClaran M.
- Ravi S.,
- D'Odorico P.
- Ryan M.G.,
- Archer S.R.,
- Birdsey R.,
- Dahm C.,
- Heath L.,
- Hicke J.,
- Hollinger D.,
- Huxman T.,
- Okin G.,
- Oren R.,
- Randerson J.,
- Schlesinger W.
- Sala O.E.,
- Lauenroth W.K.,
- Parton W.J.
- SAS Institute Inc
- Schlesinger W.H.,
- Abrahams A.D.,
- Parsons A.J.,
- Wainwright J.
- Schlesinger W.H.,
- Reynolds J.F.,
- Cunningham G.L.,
- Huenneke L.F.,
- Jarrell W.M.
- Seager R.,
- Ting M.F.,
- Held I.M.,
- Kushnir Y.,
- Lu J.,
- Vecchi G.,
- Huang H-P.,
- Harnik N.,
- Leetmaa A.,
- Lau N-C.,
- Li C.,
- Velez J.,
- Naik N.
- Seager R.,
- Vecchi G.A.
- Tietjen B.,
- Jeltsch F.,
- Zehe E.,
- Classen N.,
- Groengroeft A.,
- Schiffers K.,
- Oldeland J.
- USDA NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
- Wei H.,
- Nearing M.A.,
- Stone J.J.,
- Guertin D.P.,
- Spaeth K.W.,
- Pierson F.,
- Nichols M.H.,
- Moffett C.A.
- Weltz M.A.,
- Jolley L.,
- Nearing M.A.,
- Stone J.J.,
- Goodrich D.C.,
- Pierson F. Jr.,
- Speath K.,
- Kiniry J.,
- Arnold J.,
- Bubenheim D.,
- Hernandez M.,
- Wei H.
- Westoby M.,
- Walker B.,
- Noy-Meir I.
- Wright H.A.,
- Bailey A.W.
- Zhang X.C.,
- Liu W.Z.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 67, Issue 5
September/October 2012
Modeling climate change effects on runoff and soil erosion in southeastern Arizona rangelands and implications for mitigation with conservation practices
Y. Zhang, M. Hernandez, E. Anson, M.A. Nearing, H. Wei, J.J. Stone, P. Heilman
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Sep 2012, 67 (5) 390-405; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.67.5.390
Modeling climate change effects on runoff and soil erosion in southeastern Arizona rangelands and implications for mitigation with conservation practices
Y. Zhang, M. Hernandez, E. Anson, M.A. Nearing, H. Wei, J.J. Stone, P. Heilman
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Sep 2012, 67 (5) 390-405; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.67.5.390
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