Research ArticleResearch Section
Paying for sediment: Field-scale conservation practice targeting, funding, and assessment using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
K.R. Douglas-Mankin, P. Daggupati, A.Y. Sheshukov and P.L. Barnes
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation January 2013, 68 (1) 41-51; DOI:
K.R. Douglas-Mankin
P. Daggupati
A.Y. Sheshukov
- Arnold J.G.,
- Srinivasan R.,
- Muttiah R.S.,
- Williams J.R.
- Bracmort K.S.,
- Arabi M.,
- Frankenberger J.R.,
- Engel B.A.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Chaubey I.,
- Chiang L.,
- Gitau M.W.,
- Mohamed S.
- Daggupati P.,
- Douglas-Mankin K.R.,
- Sheshukov A.Y.,
- Barnes P.L.,
- Devlin D.L.
- Devlin D.,
- Dhuyvetter K.,
- McVay K.,
- Kastens T.,
- Rice C.,
- Janssen K.,
- Pierzynski G.
- Douglas-Mankin K.R.,
- Maski D.,
- Janssen K.A.,
- Tuppad P.,
- Pierzynski G.M.
- Douglas-Mankin K.R.,
- Srinivasan R.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Gassman P.W.,
- Reyes M.R.,
- Green C.H.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Gitau M.W.,
- Veith T.L.,
- Gburek W.J.
- Holland D.D.
- Logsdon R.
- Maringanti C.,
- Chaubey I.,
- Popp J.
- Maski D.,
- Mankin K.R.,
- Janssen K.A.,
- Tuppad P.,
- Pierzynski G.M.
- Merriman K.R.,
- Gitau M.W.,
- Chaubey I.
- Moriasi D.N.,
- Arnold J.G.,
- Van Liew M.W.,
- Bingner R.L.,
- Harmel R.D.,
- Veith T.L.
- Neitsch S.L.,
- Arnold J.G.,
- Kiniry J.R.,
- Williams J.R.
- Pionke H.B.,
- Gburek W.J.,
- Sharpley A.N.
- Sheshukov A.Y.,
- Daggupati P.,
- Douglas-Mankin K.R.,
- Lee M.
- Steele K.
- Tuppad P.,
- Douglas-Mankin K.R.,
- McVay K.A.
- USDA NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
- USGS (US Geological Survey)
- Veith T.L.,
- Sharpley A.N.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Waidler D.,
- White M.,
- Steglich E.,
- Wang X.,
- Williams J.R.,
- Jones A.,
- Srinivasan R.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Williams J.R.
- Wischmeier W.H.,
- Smith D.D.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 68, Issue 1
January/February 2013
Paying for sediment: Field-scale conservation practice targeting, funding, and assessment using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
K.R. Douglas-Mankin, P. Daggupati, A.Y. Sheshukov, P.L. Barnes
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jan 2013, 68 (1) 41-51; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.68.1.41
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