Research ArticleA Section
Combining precision conservation technologies into a flexible framework to facilitate agricultural watershed planning
Mark D. Tomer, Sarah A. Porter, David E. James, Kathleen M.B. Boomer, Jill A. Kostel and Eileen McLellan
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation September 2013, 68 (5) 113A-120A; DOI:
Mark D. Tomer
Sarah A. Porter
David E. James
Kathleen M.B. Boomer
Jill A. Kostel
- Arbuckle J.G.
- Delgado J.A.,
- Berry J.K.
- FSA (Farm Service Agency)
- Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy Science Team
- Joose P.J.,
- Baker D.B.
- Kibblewhite M.G.,
- Ritz K.,
- Swift M.J.
- Lobell D.B.,
- Cassman K.G.,
- Field C.B.
- Mueller N.D.,
- Gerber G.S.,
- Johnston M.,
- Ray D.K.,
- Ramankutty N.,
- Foley J.A.
- Pennock D.J.,
- Zebarth B.J.,
- DeJong E.
- Smith D.R.,
- Livingston S.J.,
- Zuercher B.W.,
- Larose M.,
- Heathman G.C.,
- Huang C.
- Soil Survey Staff
- Tomer M.D.,
- James D.E.,
- Isenhart T.M.
- USDA NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
- USDA NRCS (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)
- Wilson J.P.,
- Gallant J.C.
- Woli K.P.,
- David M.B.,
- Cooke R.A.,
- McIsaac G.F.,
- Mitchell C.A.
- Yaalon D.H.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 68, Issue 5
September/October 2013
Combining precision conservation technologies into a flexible framework to facilitate agricultural watershed planning
Mark D. Tomer, Sarah A. Porter, David E. James, Kathleen M.B. Boomer, Jill A. Kostel, Eileen McLellan
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Sep 2013, 68 (5) 113A-120A; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.68.5.113A
Combining precision conservation technologies into a flexible framework to facilitate agricultural watershed planning
Mark D. Tomer, Sarah A. Porter, David E. James, Kathleen M.B. Boomer, Jill A. Kostel, Eileen McLellan
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Sep 2013, 68 (5) 113A-120A; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.68.5.113A
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