Research ArticleResearch Section
Cover crops in the upper midwestern United States: Simulated effect on nitrate leaching with artificial drainage
R.W. Malone, D.B. Jaynes, T.C. Kaspar, K.R. Thorp, E. Kladivko, L. Ma, D.E. James, J. Singer, X.K. Morin and T. Searchinger
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation July 2014, 69 (4) 292-305; DOI:
R.W. Malone
D.B. Jaynes
T.C. Kaspar
K.R. Thorp
E. Kladivko
L. Ma
D.E. James
J. Singer
X.K. Morin
- Aiguo D.
- Bakhsh A.,
- Kanwar R.S.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Colvin T.S.,
- Ahuja L.R.
- Canfield D.E.,
- Glazer A.N.,
- Falkowski P.G.
- Cassman K.G.,
- Dobermann A.,
- Walters D.T.,
- Yang H.
- Chen X.P.,
- Cui Z.L,
- Vitousek P.M.,
- Cassman K.G.,
- Matson P.A.,
- Bai J.S.,
- Meng Q.F.,
- Hou P.,
- Yue S.C.,
- Romheld V.,
- Zhang F.S.
- Clark A.
- Dabney S.M.
- David M.B.,
- Gentry L.E.,
- Kovacic D.A.,
- Smith K.M.
- Dinnes D.L.,
- Karlen D.L.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Hatfield J.L.,
- Colvin T.S.,
- Cambardella C.A.
- Duiker S.W.,
- Curran W.S.
- EPA SAB (Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board)
- Feyereisen G.W.,
- Sands G.R.,
- Wilson B.N.,
- Strock J.S.,
- Porter P.M.
- Feyereisen G.W.,
- Wilson B.N,
- Sands G.R.,
- Strock J.S.,
- Porter P.M.
- Galloway J.N.,
- Aber J.D.,
- Erisman J.W.,
- Seitzinger S.P.,
- Howarth R.W.,
- Cowling E.B.,
- Cosby B.J.
- Godfray H.C.J.,
- Beddington J.R.,
- Crute I.R.,
- Haddad L.,
- Lawrence D.,
- Muir J.F.,
- Pretty J.,
- Robinson S.,
- Thomas S.M.,
- Toulmin C.
- Goolsby D.A.,
- Battaglin W.A.,
- Aulenbach B.T.,
- Hooper R.P.
- Gruber N.,
- Galloway J.N.
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Hatfield J.L.,
- Meek D.W.
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Karlen D.L.
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Parkin T.B.,
- Moorman T.B.,
- Singer J.W.
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Kladivko E.J.,
- Singer J.W.,
- Morse S.,
- Mutch D.R.
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Parkin T.B.,
- Moorman T.B.
- Hatfield J.L.,
- Sauer T.J.
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Singer J.W.
- Kessavalou A.,
- Walters D.T.
- Kladivko E.J.,
- Frankenberger J.R.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Meek D.W.,
- Jenkinson B.J.,
- Fausey N.R.
- Kladivko E.J.,
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Singer J.W.,
- Malone R.W.,
- Searchinger T.,
- Morin X.
- Li L.,
- Malone R. W.,
- Ma L.,
- Kaspar T. C.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Saseendran S.A.,
- Thorp K.R.,
- Yu Q.,
- Ahuja L.R.
- Liu J.G.,
- You L.Z.,
- Amini M.,
- Obersteiner M.,
- Herrero M.,
- Zehnder A.J.B.,
- Yang H.
- Logsdon S.D.,
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Meek D.W.,
- Prueger J.H.
- Ma L.,
- Malone R.W.,
- Heilman P.,
- Jaynes D.,
- Ahuja L.R.,
- Saseendran S.A.,
- Kanwar R.S.,
- Ascough J.C.
- Ma L.,
- Malone R.W.,
- Heilman P.,
- Karlen D.L.,
- Kanwar R.S.,
- Cambardella C.A.,
- Saseendran S.A.,
- Ahuja L.R.
- Ma L.,
- Malone R.W.,
- Heilman P.,
- Ahuja L.R.,
- Meade T.,
- Saseendran S.A.,
- Ascough J.C.
- Ma L.,
- Bruulsema T.,
- Ahuja L.
- Malone R.W.,
- Ma L.
- NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Parkin T.B.,
- Kaspar T.C.,
- Singer J.W.
- Qi Z.,
- Ma L.,
- Helmers M.J.,
- Ahuja L.R.,
- Malone R.W.
- Rabalais N.N.,
- Wiseman W.J.,
- Turner R.E.,
- Sen Gupta B.K.,
- Dortch Q.
- Roy A.H.,
- Freeman M.C.,
- Freeman B.J.,
- Wenger S.J.,
- Ensign W.E.,
- Meyer J.L.
- Sawyer,
- Nafziger J.E.,
- Randall G.,
- Bundy L.,
- Rehm G.,
- Joern B.
- Thorp K.R.,
- Jaynes D.B.,
- Malone R.W.
- Thorp K.R.,
- Malone R.W.,
- Jaynes D.B.
- Unger P.W.,
- Vigil M.F.
- Wagger M.G.,
- Cabrera M.L.,
- Ranells N.N.
- Walsh C.J.,
- Roy A.H.,
- Feminella J.W.,
- Cottingham P.D.,
- Groffman P.M.,
- Morgan R.P. II.
- Yeo I.Y.,
- Gordon S.I.,
- Guldmann J.M.
- Zucker L.A.,
- Brown L.C.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 69, Issue 4
July/August 2014
Cover crops in the upper midwestern United States: Simulated effect on nitrate leaching with artificial drainage
R.W. Malone, D.B. Jaynes, T.C. Kaspar, K.R. Thorp, E. Kladivko, L. Ma, D.E. James, J. Singer, X.K. Morin, T. Searchinger
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jul 2014, 69 (4) 292-305; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.69.4.292
Cover crops in the upper midwestern United States: Simulated effect on nitrate leaching with artificial drainage
R.W. Malone, D.B. Jaynes, T.C. Kaspar, K.R. Thorp, E. Kladivko, L. Ma, D.E. James, J. Singer, X.K. Morin, T. Searchinger
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jul 2014, 69 (4) 292-305; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.69.4.292
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