Research ArticleResearch Section
Application of a calibrated/validated Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender model to assess sediment and nutrient delivery from the Wildcat Creek Mississippi River Basin Initiative-Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative
W. Francesconi, D.R. Smith, G.C. Heathman, J.M. Gonzalez and M.M. Benage
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation January 2015, 70 (1) 23-35; DOI:
W. Francesconi
D.R. Smith
G.C. Heathman
J.M. Gonzalez
- Alexander R.B.,
- Smith R.A.,
- Schwarz G.E.,
- Boyer E.W.,
- Nolan J.V.,
- Brakebill J.W.
- Benage M.
- Benage M.
- Cechova K.,
- Flanagan D.C.,
- Frankenberger J.R.,
- Zuercher B.W.
- Claassen R.,
- Breneman V.,
- Bucholtz S.,
- Cattaneo A.,
- Johansson R.,
- Morehart M.
- Dabney S.M.,
- Delgado J.A.,
- Reeves D.W.
- Diaz R.J.,
- Solow A.
- Duriancik L.F.,
- Bucks D.,
- Dobrowolski J.P.,
- Drewes T.,
- Eckles S.D.,
- Jolley L.,
- Kellogg R.L.,
- Lund D.,
- Makuch J.R.,
- O'Neill M.P.,
- Rewa C.A.,
- Walbridge M.R.,
- Parry R.,
- Weltz M.A.
- Francesconi W.,
- Smith D.,
- Heathman G.,
- Wang X.,
- Williams C.
- Gassman P.W.,
- Reyes M.R.,
- Green C.H.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Gaynor J.D.,
- Findlay W.I.
- Goode and Associates, Inc.
- Hamza M.A.,
- Anderson W.K.
- Harmel R.D.,
- Smith P.K.,
- Migliaccio K.W.,
- Chaubey I.,
- Douglas-Mankin K.R.,
- Benham B.,
- Shukla S.,
- Muñoz-Carpena R.,
- Robson B.J.
- Haufler J.
- Heathman G.C.,
- Larose M.,
- Ascough J.C. II.
- Mannering J.V.,
- Griffith D.R.,
- Johnson K.D.
- Meals D.W.,
- Dressing S.A.,
- Davenport T.E.
- MCCC (Midwest Cover Crops Council)
- Moriasi D.N.,
- Arnorld J.G.,
- Van Liew M.W.,
- Bingner R.L.,
- Harmel R.D.,
- Veith T.L.
- Schepers J.S.,
- Raun W.R.
- Mulla D.J.,
- Strock J.S.
- Osborne L.L.,
- Kovacic D.A.
- Parson J.E.,
- Daniel R.B.,
- Gilliam J.W.,
- Dillaha T.A.
- Plotkin S.,
- Wang X.,
- Potter T.L.,
- Bosch D.D.,
- Williams J.R.,
- Hesketh E.S.,
- Bagdon J.K.
- Radcliffe D.,
- Nelson N.
- Randall G.W.,
- Iragavarapu T.K.
- Reinhart B.
- Rice N.
- Shipley P.R.,
- Meisinger J.J.,
- Decker A.M.
- Singer J.W.,
- Nusser S.M.,
- Alf C.J.
- Smith D.R.,
- Moore P.A. Jr..
- Stephan A.K.,
- Morris C.C.,
- Sobat S.L.,
- Crane K.J.
- Tetra Tech.
- USEPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)
- USDA NASS (USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service)
- USDA NRCS (USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service)
- Vitosh M.L.,
- Johnson J.W.,
- Mengel D.B.
- Wang X.,
- Kannan N.,
- Santhi C.,
- Potter S.R.,
- Williams J.R.,
- Arnold J.G.
- Wang X.,
- Williams J.R.,
- Gassman P.W.,
- Baffaut C.,
- Izaurralde R.C.,
- Jeong J.,
- Kiniry J.R.
- Williams J.R.,
- Wang E.,
- Meinardus A.,
- Harman W.L.,
- Siemers M.,
- Atwood J.D.
- Williams J.W.,
- Izaurralde R.C.,
- Steglich E.M.
- Yin L.,
- Wang X.,
- Pan J.,
- Gassman P.W.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 70, Issue 1
January/February 2015
Application of a calibrated/validated Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender model to assess sediment and nutrient delivery from the Wildcat Creek Mississippi River Basin Initiative-Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative
W. Francesconi, D.R. Smith, G.C. Heathman, J.M. Gonzalez, M.M. Benage
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jan 2015, 70 (1) 23-35; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.70.1.23
Application of a calibrated/validated Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender model to assess sediment and nutrient delivery from the Wildcat Creek Mississippi River Basin Initiative-Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative
W. Francesconi, D.R. Smith, G.C. Heathman, J.M. Gonzalez, M.M. Benage
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jan 2015, 70 (1) 23-35; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.70.1.23
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