Research ArticleResearch Section
Soil carbon and bulk density distribution within 10 Southern Piedmont grazing systems
T. Hendricks, D. Franklin, S. Dahal, D. Hancock, L. Stewart, M. Cabrera and G. Hawkins
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation July 2019, 74 (4) 323-333; DOI:
T. Hendricks
D. Franklin
S. Dahal
D. Hancock
L. Stewart
M. Cabrera
- Ball D.M.,
- Hoveland C.S.,
- Lacefield G.D.
- Bhatti J.S.,
- Bauer I.E.
- Butler D.M.,
- Franklin D.H.,
- Cabrera M.L.,
- Risse L.M.,
- Radcliffe D.E.,
- West L.T.,
- Gaskin J.W.
- Culman S.W.,
- Snapp S.S.,
- Freeman M.A.,
- Schipanski M.E.,
- Beniston J.,
- Lal R.,
- Drinkwater L.E.,
- Franzlubbers A.J.,
- Glover J.D.,
- Grandy S.A.,
- Lee J.,
- Six J.,
- Maul J.E.,
- Mirsky S.B.,
- Spargo S.B.,
- Wander M.M.
- Dalzell B.J.,
- Filley T.R.,
- Harbor J.M.
- Dahal S.,
- Franklin D.H.,
- Cabrera M.L.,
- Hancock D.W.,
- Stewart L.,
- Ney L.C.,
- Subedi A.,
- Mahmud K.
- De-Vos B.,
- Vandecasteele B.,
- Deckers J,
- Muys B.
- Hurisso T.T.,
- Culman S.W.,
- Howarth W.R.,
- Wade J.,
- Cass D.,
- Beniston J.W.,
- Bowles T.M.,
- Grandy A.S.,
- Fanzluebbers A.J.,
- Schipanski M.E.,
- Lucas S.T.,
- Ugarte C.M.
- Jones A.C.
- Konen M.E.,
- Jacobs P.M.,
- Burras C.L.,
- Talaga B.J.,
- Mason J.A.
- Marriott E.E.,
- Wander M.M.
- Paine L.K.,
- Undersander D.,
- Casler M.D.
- Sharma K.L.,
- Raju K.R.,
- Das S.K.,
- Prasad Rao B.R.C.,
- Kulkarni B.S.,
- Srinivas K.,
- Kusuma Grace J.,
- Madhavi M.,
- Gajbhiye P.N.
- Unger P.W.,
- Kasper T.C.
- USDA ERS (Economic Research Service)
- Magdoff F.,
- Weil R.R.
- Wander M.
- Weil R.R.,
- Islam K.R.,
- Stine M.A.,
- Gruver J.B.,
- Samson-Liebig S.E.
In this issue
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol. 74, Issue 4
July/August 2019
Soil carbon and bulk density distribution within 10 Southern Piedmont grazing systems
T. Hendricks, D. Franklin, S. Dahal, D. Hancock, L. Stewart, M. Cabrera, G. Hawkins
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jul 2019, 74 (4) 323-333; DOI: 10.2489/jswc.74.4.323
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