The US agricultural sector is proposed as one opportunity to contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions—reductions that are needed to limit atmospheric warming to be more in line with the US Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement. Improved management of agricultural soils can both mitigate GHG emissions and increase carbon (C) sequestration, but disagreement exists regarding what levels of adoption are possible and to what extent they may mitigate net GHG emissions. In this paper, we provide a framework for setting reasonable, short-term conservation practice adoption targets and quantifying the associated net emissions reductions. Our framework was constructed using USDA-based publicly available inventory data and mitigation potentials from the COMET-Planner tool scaled to nine farm resource regions. The framework includes 2017 levels of conservation practice adoption and two 10-year growth scenarios: business-as-usual (BAU) and accelerated adoption rates. We evaluated six cropland management practices and practices associated with Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) establishment. Based on existing (2017) census data, we estimated that 134.2 million tonnes (Mt) carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) per year have been or continue to be reduced through the adoption of conservation management practices on a cumulative total of 133.5 million hectares (Mha) of cropland. Under the BAU scenario, we estimated an additional 6.2 Mha y−1 of adoption could result in a reduction potential of 48.7 Mt CO2e y−1. Under the accelerated scenario, we estimated an additional 13.1 Mha y−1 of adoption could result in a reduction potential of 118.5 Mt of CO2e y−1 over the next 10 years. This framework highlights three key outcomes: (1) agriculture has had a substantial impact on GHG mitigation through existing/historical adoption of six cropland management practices and conversion of lands to the CRP; (2) these shifts in adoption provide an important baseline to make future projections of changes in practice adoption given regional trends and the resulting GHG mitigation potentials; and (3) disaggregating national estimates to the farm resource region level can help to inform and prioritize programs and policies consistent with existing climate goals. Estimates reported here reflect the current state of national modeling efforts and agricultural inventory sources. As new data such as the pending 2022 Ag Census report and model enhancements are made, the framework we outline here can be used to revise and update the estimates to improve accuracy and applicability.
- agricultural conservation practices
- climate mitigation potential
- greenhouse gas emissions
- soil carbon sequestration
The US agricultural sector must substantially reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sequester carbon (C) to limit atmospheric warming. The Biden administration recently rejoined the Paris Agreement and updated the US Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), committing to 50% to 52% economy-wide GHG emissions reductions by 2030, relative to 2005 levels, and net-zero emissions by 2050. These reductions will come from not only the energy sector but also from agriculture through reductions in non-carbon dioxide (CO2) gases, like nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), and increasing C sinks in agricultural soils. The inclusion of the agricultural sector is important because GHG emissions from the global food system would exceed the 1.5°C emissions target around mid-century (Clark et al. 2020). The accelerated adoption of conservation agricultural practices that increase C storage via soil organic matter on the nearly 162 million hectares (Mha) of cropland in the United States can provide readily available, cost-effective climate mitigation benefits (Paustian et al. 2016; Fargione et al. 2018; Sperow 2020) and is one component of the climate-smart agriculture and forestry strategy proposed by USDA (USDA 2021).
Previous estimates of GHG mitigation potential through improved soil management in US agriculture differ substantially in their methodologies, estimates of mitigation potential, and time horizons, making direct comparisons difficult. One commonality, however, is that they tend to report the maximum achievable mitigation potential across US cropland and grazing area (Lal et al. 2003; Morgan et al. 2010; Eagle et al. 2012; Sperow 2016, 2020; Fargione et al. 2018) with few exceptions (Chambers et al. 2016). Most national estimates are relatively straightforward calculations that multiply US agricultural land area by known C sequestration rates under maximum adoption levels (Lal et al. 2003; Morgan et al. 2010; Eagle et al. 2012; Chambers et al. 2016; Sperow 2016, 2020; Fargione et al. 2018), but there is a need to move toward estimation of mitigation potential using process-based GHG emission models that can account for environmental variability and estimate net GHG emissions, not just C sequestration (McNunn et al. 2020). These types of models incorporate farm management activities, climate, and soil variables to predict GHG emissions from agricultural soils (Parton et al. 1998), including both direct as well as indirect sources of emissions (e.g., nitrate [NO3−] leaching and transformation to N2O downstream). Running these models under various management conditions (i.e., business-as-usual versus mitigation scenario) can provide estimates of C sequestration or net GHG mitigation at a variety of realistic adoption levels.
While theoretical maximums of national reduction potentials are of interest for understanding the upper boundaries that agricultural soils can play in climate mitigation, they may not be feasible to achieve in a policy-relevant timeframe (e.g., 10 to 20 years), given socio-economic constraints on adoption levels and heterogeneity in agricultural land management and biophysical limitations. National estimates also do not give subnational and state-level decision-makers the resolution of detail needed to inform research and economic incentives needed to scale-up adoption. Identifying regional targets for practice adoption and associated climate mitigation potential requires knowledge of the hectares available and should be bound by various factors, such as soils, climate, production systems, and previous successes in practice adoption. Current adoption and recent conservation trends can provide a starting point to estimate what levels of adoption may be achievable over the next 10 years. This can inform climate actions, policy, and incentive-based programs, by showing the level of climate mitigation achieved with different levels of increased adoption. Transparency in the data, calculations, and assumptions made to derive reduction potential estimates will also increase the relevancy of these estimates and help advance the conversation from what is technically possible to what is environmentally, socially, and politically feasible.
Meeting the agricultural sector goal under the US NDC will require increased nationwide adoption of conservation practices such as cover crops, conservation tillage, nutrient management, and conservation crop rotation, and programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Additional public and private strategies such as direct payments, certifications, tax incentives, and ecosystem service markets may also help entice additional adoption levels. The current adoption of these practices varies considerably across production systems and geographies. Identifying the needed rates of conservation agriculture practice adoption at relevant management and policy scales (i.e., subnational or regional levels) and their associated GHG mitigation potential is a necessary first step toward achieving US GHG mitigation goals by 2030 and 2050.
COMET-Planner is currently the only national, public planning tool available for estimating C sequestration and GHG impacts associated with the adoption of multiple USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation practices on agricultural lands. COMET-Planner uses a sample-based, metamodeling approach with COMET-Farm, which employs the USDA entity-scale inventory methods (Eve et al. 2014) to estimate the average impact of a conservation practice compared to baseline conditions. The metamodeling effort was conducted over a range of soils, climate, and typical crops within multicounty regions as defined by Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA) (USDA NRCS 2006). Although originally developed for use by conservation planners, the results from this tool, which are reported by county, can be combined with current and projected conservation practice adoption levels to estimate C sequestration and emission changes (CO2, N2O, and CH4) at state, regional, or national scales (e.g., The Carbon Reduction Potential Evaluation Tool, https://carpe.shinyapps.io/CarpeTool/).
We provide a novel framework for coupling publicly available USDA data sets with GHG emission reduction coefficients (ERCs) generated by COMET-Planner (Swan et al. 2020). Our objective was to quantify current practice adoption for key cropland management practices regionalized for GHG reduction potential given soil, climate, and cropping system differences, and then, using these values, to apply spatial and temporal bounds to project carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) reduction potential under two 10-year scenarios: business-as-usual (BAU) and accelerated adoption rates. The framework we present is an approach for integrating regional differences in reduction potential of conservation practices on cropland and different rates of adoption of these practices, which can then be scaled in a consistent manner for national reduction estimates. By reporting data-driven reduction potentials at different spatial-temporal scales, decision-makers will be better informed to design targets and mechanisms for near-term conservation practice adoption through better knowledge of where to prioritize resources, focus planning efforts, and build on previous successes to enhance agricultural climate action on croplands in alignment with the US NDC goal for 2030.
Materials and Methods
We applied a novel approach coupling agricultural practice inventory data with GHG ERCs generated by COMET-Planner (Swan et al. 2020) to scale up estimates of C sequestration and GHG reduction potentials for conservation practice adoption nationally and in nine farm resource regions (USDA ERS 2000). Hectares in a variety of agricultural practices described below were compiled from three publicly available sources: the US Agricultural Census (Ag Census) (USDA NASS 2017), the NRCS National Planning and Agreements Database (USDA NRCS 2021), and the USDA Farm Service Agency (USDA FSA 2020).
The COMET-Planner tool reports ERCs in tonnes of CO2e per year per acre (and were converted to hectares), resulting from the implementation of conservation management practices (Swan et al. 2020) compared to a baseline (see table 1 and discussion below). In COMET-Planner, the three main GHGs reported for each conservation practice are CO2, N2O, and CH4. Reported CO2e reduction potential per hectare includes the net result from soil C changes, CO2 emissions from liming, urea fertilization, and N2O emissions from soils (including fertilizers). Although CH4 uptake in soils is included in the model runs, we observed no instance of a net change in CH4 emissions for the selected practices. Additionally, COMET-Planner does not include emissions or sequestration from drained organic soils or wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation. The original version, launched in 2015, estimated ERCs at the subnational scale from meta-analyses and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 and 2 methods (IPCC 2006). The current version utilized the advanced methods developed in COMET-Farm (http://comet-farm.com/) and the USDA entity scale inventory methods (Eve et al. 2014) and improved the spatial resolution to multicounty regions defined by USDA MLRAs. Estimates were generated over a 20-year duration and reported on an annual basis by dividing the total model-estimated changes by 20 (Swan et al. 2020).
Farm Resource Regions. Although COMET-Planner performed its meta-modeling at the MLRA level, we report all data at the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) farm resource region level (USDA ERS 2000) for simplicity. These nine resource regions are derived from four sources: a cluster analysis of US farm characteristics, Farm Production Regions, USDA’s Land Resource Regions, and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Crop Reporting Districts. The boundaries for these regions cross state lines clustering dominant commodities produced with similar physiographic, soil, and climatic traits (i.e., the USDA’s Land Resource Regions). The data were aligned with the boundaries of USDA NASS Crop Reporting Districts, which are aggregates of counties. The nine regions with similar farming systems as characterized by ERS are (1) Basin and Range, where cattle, wheat (Triticum aestivum), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) are common across the region; (2) the Fruitful Rim, characterized by fruit, vegetable, nursery, and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) farms with 22% of national production value; (3) Northern (N.) Great Plains, which comprises 17% of cropland with wheat, cattle, and sheep farms similar across the region; (4) Prairie Gateway, which is second in wheat, oat (Avena sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), rice, and cotton production; (5) Heartland, which has the most farms, highest value of production, and most cropland dominated by cash grain and cattle farms; (6) Mississippi Portal, with common farms in cotton, rice, poultry, and hogs; (7) N. Crescent, which has 15% of farms and production value with similar farms in dairy, general crops, and cash grain; (8) Eastern (E.) Uplands, which has 15% of farms and common commodities are part-time cattle, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and poultry; and (9) Southern (S.) Seaboard, which has 11% of farms, 6% of cropland with part-time cattle, general field crops, and poultry farms common in this region.
Cropland Conservation Practices. We selected a total of six cropland management practices and three within the CRP to estimate existing and 10-year projections of CO2e reduction potential and the necessary adoption rates to achieve these reductions. Practice selection was based on three criteria: (1) practices were limited to those that can be applied on cropland (i.e., excluded grazing/pasture lands); (2) the practice must have an inventory data source that was publicly accessible at county (preferred) or state levels; and (3) the practice must have an ERC available in COMET-Planner. The six cropland management practices selected were cover crops, conservation tillage, nutrient management by replacing a portion of synthetic nitrogen (N) with manure (henceforth abbreviated “manure applications”), conservation crop rotation (CCR), mulching, and stripcropping. The CRP incentivizes farmers to remove environmentally sensitive land from agriculture production and plant species that improve environmental health and quality. Using the USDA Farm Service Agency data for CRP establishment (USDA FSA 2020), conversion of cropland to CRP within each region was categorized into one of three management options that aligned with those available in COMET-Planner: conservation cover (i.e., establishment of perennial grasses), tree/shrub establishment, and riparian restoration. For each practice, a brief description that indicates the baseline and new conditions used in COMET and the source of data for estimating practice adoption are provided in table 1.
Weighting and Scaling of COMET-Planner Emission Reduction Coefficients. Following selection of practices that met our criteria, COMET-Planner ERCs were weighted and scaled to each farm resource region. The ERCs in COMET-Planner differ by irrigation status for all selected practices except CCR and mulching and must be scaled appropriately. The Ag Census, however, does not report total irrigated and nonirrigated cropland; thus, we used the 2017 total cropland, harvested irrigated cropland, total irrigated (cropland plus pastureland), and total pastureland to estimate irrigated and nonirrigated cropland and applied those values to generate weighted ERCs for each ERS region. Because CRP is implemented primarily on nonirrigated land, ERCs for this management strategy were weighted by county-level nonirrigated cropland within each region. Further details regarding ERC calculations and assumptions are reported by Swan et al. (2020).
ERS resource regions are defined at the county level (i.e., multiple resource regions may be present within a state); therefore, scaling to ERS resource regions demands the use of county-level data. Once irrigated and nonirrigated lands were calculated, these values were multiplied by the appropriate COMET-Planner ERCs (i.e., irrigated/nonirrigated coefficients for each practice) to get total CO2e reduction potential (t y−1) for each ERS resource region and conservation practice. A single weighted ERC (wERC) that accounts for the distribution of irrigated and nonirrigated croplands within a resource region was then back-calculated by dividing this value by the total cropland in the region. For the CRP-related ERCs, a similar process was conducted using only nonirrigated cropland estimates for each count.
Scenarios for Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Reduction Potential. The wERCs were used to estimate CO2e reduction potential for cropland management practices under existing management adoption levels based on 2017 inventory data and two future scenarios: (1) 10-year projections of continued growth (BAU) in practice adoption using the reported change in hectares between 2012 and 2017; and (2) 10-year projections under more aggressive, “accelerated” growth rates based on the distribution of 2017 adoption levels for each county within a resource region. For CRP, existing management adoption levels were calculated from 2017 data, BAU adoption levels were based on the number of CRP hectares authorized in the current 2018 US Farm Bill (US Congress 2018), and the accelerated growth scenario was set to the maximum program levels established in 2007 (USDA FSA 2020). The BAU and accelerated scenarios represent alternative pathways to achieving additional adoption and CO2e mitigation beyond existing 2017 levels; practice adoption and mitigation potential reported for the accelerated scenario is in addition to 2017 levels, not in addition to BAU levels.
Existing (2017) Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Reduction Potentials from Previous Shifts in Land Management Practices. There are three steps to estimate the CO2e reduction potential for land under existing (i.e., 2017) adoption levels. The first step is to estimate the number of hectares under each management practice for each region (supplemental table S1). Hectares for cover cropping, conservation tillage, and manure applications were obtained from the 2012 and 2017 US Ag Census reports (USDA NASS 2017). The Ag Census reports the number of hectares of cropland and pastureland on which animal manure of any kind was applied. To limit these hectares to cropland, we calculated the proportion of cropland in each county and applied this proportion to reported hectares of manure application to estimate the hectares of cropland that received manure. Hectares for stripcropping, mulching, and CCR were obtained from the USDA NRCS National Planning and Agreements Database (NPAD) (USDA NRCS 2021). The sum of NPAD data from 2005 to 2017 was used to estimate hectares of adoption for these practices by 2017. For stripcropping, mulch applications, and CCR, no adjustments are needed as there is only one management option for each and ERCs had been weighted in previous steps for irrigated and nonirrigated cropland, when appropriate. Because NPAD data is reported at the state level, the proportion of total cropland within each resource region was used to assign the state-level practice adoption hectares to the appropriate ERS resource region. Hectares under CRP were downloaded from the USDA Farm Service Agency (USDA FSA 2017).
The second step is to adjust these hectares for the appropriate practice option for cover crop, conservation tillage, manure application, and practices within CRP (e.g., tree versus grass establishment) because the COMET-Planner ERCs vary with each option. Under cover crop, the proportion of legume to nonlegume cover crop must be estimated. In general, adding a legume cover crop tends to result in nearly twice the reduction potential as a nonlegume cover crop. Under the existing scenario we assumed 10% of the hectares in cover crops were planted to a legume cover and 90% of hectares were planted to a nonlegume cover. Recent data from federal surveys suggest that more than 90% of hectares planted to cover crops are planted to grass or small grain covers (Wallander et al. 2021).
To apply the correct wERC for tillage management, it must be determined which tillage practice the land is converting from (i.e., intensive tillage [IT] or reduced tillage [RT]) and what it will be converting to (e.g., no tillage [NT] or RT). For the current scenario, the 2017 median ratio of IT:RT hectares was determined using the Ag Census data and it was assumed that all NT lands came from hectares in this proportion. The proportion of new conservation tillage practices (RT and NT) was determined as the 2017 median ratio of NT:RT from the Ag Census data. Medians were determined by calculating the current percentage adoption levels for each county within a resource region. Percentage adoption for NT and RT was calculated using the sum of hectares in IT, NT, and RT as the denominator. We assumed that all RT hectares originated in IT and that once land was converted to NT, it remained in that practice.
The wERCs vary by manure source, thus the dominant animal commodity in each resource region was used to select a single manure source and wERC for each region that not only reflects the local animal commodity but also will minimize transport costs and maximize availability. The wERC for beef feedlot manure was used in the Basin and Range, Fruitful Rim, Heartland, N. Great Plains, and Prairie Gateway. The wERC for chicken manure was used for the E. Uplands and the S. Seaboard. The wERC for swine manure was used for Mississippi Portal, and dairy manure was used for the N. Crescent.
For CRP, 2017 county-level practices categorized to grass planting, tree establishment, or wetland restoration (table S2) were calculated and proportions of each were multiplied by total CRP hectares for each region. Nationally, 82% of CRP land was planted to grasses, 11% to wetland restoration, and 7% to tree establishment. Lands converted to grasses were assumed to follow COMET-Planner’s implementation of conservation cover, which assumes cropland was converted to grass or grass/legume cover. We applied the same legume to nonlegume percentage as that used for cover crop (i.e., 10% legume). The mitigation potential of CRP lands planted with trees used COMET-Planner’s estimates for tree establishment on conventionally managed and fertilized annual cropland. CRP wetland restoration lands were estimated using COMET-Planner ERCs for riparian area restoration and are constructed from a scenario of woody plantings on degraded streambanks (since there is not a COMET-Planner practice associated with wetland restoration).
The third step involves multiplying the hectares for each practice adjusted for secondary management options by the appropriate wERC for each region. Results are reported in tonnes CO2e reduction potential per year.
Future Scenario 1: 10-Year Projections of Continued Business-as-Usual Growth. In this scenario, the first step is to calculate growth rates using the change in adoption between the 2012 and 2017 practice adoption levels (table S1). The US Agricultural Census data were used for cover crop, conservation tillage, and manure additions. Given the relatively low increase in cover crop hectares (e.g., 4.1 Mha in 2012 and 6.2 Mha in 2017) and projected goals set by states and local interest groups (Hamilton et al. 2017; Wallander et al. 2021), we applied an exponential growth rate for cover crop adoption over the next 10 years. In contrast, efforts to encourage NT and RT have been in place for decades, and recent reports suggest adoption levels have plateaued in some cropping systems (Claassen et al. 2018). Thus, for tillage, a more conservative linear growth rate was applied. For new hectares of RT, the proportion of RT and NT was determined using the median of NT:RT from 2017, and the 10-year projected adoption levels could not exceed the total reported “tillable hectares” (table S3). For CCR, mulching, and stripcropping, the sum of NPAD data from 2005 to 2012 and from 2005 to 2017 were used to estimate hectares of adoption for these practices by 2012 and 2017, respectively. A linear growth rate also was applied for manure applications, stripcropping, mulching, and CCR. For CRP, BAU adoption levels were set to the current 2018 US Farm Bill goal, which is to increase the enrollment to 11 Mha by 2023 (US Congress 2018). For consistency, this increase was extended through 2027 to better align with our 10-year projection and would equate to no change in the CRP cap in the pending 2022 Farm Bill.
The second and third steps for the BAU scenario were the same as those reported for existing (2017) CO2e reduction potential estimates. All hectares assigned to each management practice option are reported in the supplementary material (tables S3 through S9).
Future Scenario 2: 10-Year Projections Under More Aggressive, “Accelerated” Growth Rates. The first two steps of this scenario involve (1) estimating the available hectares and percentage adoption for cover, conservation tillage, and manure application; and (2) calculating “accelerated” adoption levels. The available hectares for conservation practice adoption sets the bounds of what is possible and is used to calculate current levels of adoption (i.e., percentage adoption). The current distribution of conservation practice adoption at the county level is then used to develop resource region specific estimates of potential future adoption. Available hectares may also differ depending upon the conservation practice and its suitability due to the dominant cropping system currently being implemented on a piece of land. Due to management constraints, available hectares for cover crop, conservation tillage, and manure application were defined differently depending upon the conservation practice of interest (table S10). For example, available hectares for cover crops were defined as total cropland minus hectares in hay production and government reserve programs (e.g., CRP). Land available for tillage management was set equal to the sum of all hectares with a tillage practice reported (i.e., NT + RT + IT). Available hectares for manure management were set to total cropland and the target level was set to the 95th percentile for each region.
For step 2, we doubled the compound annual growth rates for cover crops used in the BAU scenario up to a maximum of 25% annualized growth rate. We also increased the percentage of land in legume relative to nonlegume cover crops from the BAU scenario of 10% to 25%. For conservation tillage, the sum of 2017 NT and RT adoption levels were calculated and then used to set a target level of the 95th percentile of county-level adoption within each region. Specific targets for land in NT or RT were set to the 75th percentile of NT:RT from 2017 (in contrast to the median proportion used in the BAU scenario). We applied 2× the BAU growth rate for CCR, stripcropping, and mulching because county-level data were not available to calculate regional medians and percentiles of adoption. For CRP, we brought each region to the hectares enrolled in 2007, for a total of 14.9 Mha, which was the maximum enrollment level since the program was established (USDA FSA 2020).
The final step, like the other two scenarios, involved multiplying hectares for each practice by the appropriate wERCs for each region. All hectares assigned to each management practice option are reported in the supplementary material (tables S3 through S9).
All reported data and discussion will be limited to the combined effect of all practice options within each category as appropriate. For example, cover crops and conservation cover are the combined effect of legume and nonlegume cover; tillage management is the combined effect of converting IT to RT, IT to NT/strip-till (ST), and RT to NT/ST; and CRP is the combined effect of conservation cover (grasses), tree/shrub establishment (trees), and riparian restoration (wetlands).
Results and Discussion
Regional Weighted Emission Reduction Coefficients. Among the cropland management practices evaluated, the top five wERCS for the nine regions were similar with different rankings for each region (figure 1). Regardless of ranking, certain practice options typically were best for all regions. For example, among the cover crop options, implementing a legume cover crop was on average 0.29 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 greater than that for a nonlegume. Converting to NT/ST regardless of initial starting point (e.g., RT or IT) had higher wERCs than converting to RT from IT. On average, converting to NT from IT was 0.25 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 greater than converting from RT. Conversion to RT (from IT) was the lowest among the tillage options and was 0.55 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 lower than conversion to NT from RT and 0.80 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 lower than conversion to NT from IT. On average, replacing synthetic N with dairy or beef feedlot manure had a lower wERC at 0.27 t ha−1 y−1 compared to swine manure at 0.53 t ha−1 y−1.
Averaged across the practices evaluated, the regions in ranking order of wERCs from highest to lowest were Mississippi Portal, Heartland, E. Uplands, S. Seaboard, N. Crescent, Prairie Gateway, Fruitful Rim, N. Great Plains, and Basin and Range. The cropland management practice with the highest wERC was CCR for in the Basin and Range (0.63 t CO2e ha−1 y−1), converting from IT to NT/ST for Fruitful Rim, Heartland, N. Crescent, N. Great Pains, and Prairie Gateway with an average value of 1.2 t CO2e ha−1 y−1, and adopting a legume cover crop in the Mississippi Portal, E. Uplands, and S. Seaboard (average = 2.0 t CO2e ha−1 y−1).
Converting IT or RT to NT/ST were among the top five practices for all regions and were the top two wERCs for the Heartland, N. Crescent, N. Great Plains, and the Prairie Gateway. The Heartland had the greatest wERC for all three options compared to the other regions and was estimated at 0.51, 1.35, and 1.69 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 for conversion to IT from RT, to NT from RT, and to NT from IT, respectively. The Basin and Range region had the lowest wERC for these practice options, which were 0.20, 0.47, and 0.61 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 for conversion to IT from RT, to NT from RT, and to NT from IT, respectively. The wERC ranking among regions for the tillage options from greatest to lowest was Heartland, Mississippi Portal, E. Uplands, N. Crescent, S. Seaboard, Prairie Gateway, N. Great Plains, Fruitful Rim, and Basin and Range.
Adding a legume or nonlegume cover crop was in the top five wERCs for all regions except Basin and Range, N. Crescent, N. Great Plains, and Prairie Gateway. Adding legume cover crop was the top wERC for the E. Uplands, Mississippi Portal, and S. Seaboard. The top four regions for cover cropping include Mississippi Portal, E. Uplands, S. Seaboard, and the Heartland with wERCs of 2.91, 1.67, 1.41, and 1.20 t ha−1 y−1, respectively. The Basin and Range had the lowest wERC for cover cropping (0.25 t ha−1 y−1).
In some regions, CCR (i.e., decreasing the time of fallow and when possible adding a perennial crop to the rotation) can be an alternative practice to cover cropping. CCR was among the top five wERCs for four regions (e.g., Basin and Range, Fruitful Rim, N. Great Plains, and Prairie Gateway). Only N. Crescent had neither cover cropping or CCR in the top five wERCs. Adding mulch was in the top five for all regions except Heartland, and stripcropping was in the top five wERCs for three regions. For the manure management options evaluated, E. Uplands and Heartland tended to have higher wERCs than the other regions. Replacing 20% of synthetic N with manure (swine) was among the top five wERCs for Heartland, N. Crescent, and Prairie Gateway.
For the CRP land use, conversion of cropland to herbaceous (e.g., conservation cover) or woody cover (e.g., tree establishment) and riparian restoration provides relatively high CO2e reduction potential compared to cropland management practices. The available hectares for CRP are fewer, but fewer hectares implementing these practices can have an equal or greater impact on CO2e reduction compared to cropland management practices implemented on more hectares. Similar to cover crop adoption, inclusion of legumes in the herbaceous cover has a wERC that is two to three times greater than nonlegume cover. Conversion of nonirrigated cropland to a woodlot has an average wERC of 18.5 t ha−1 y−1. These practices are not exclusive to CRP, which has certain requirements for land to be enrolled (USDA FSA 2019). In general, land most suitable for this conversion includes low producing annual cropland that are highly erodible with major limitations such as water availability or degraded grasslands that historically were wooded.
Existing Practice Adoption: Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Reduction Potentials from Previous Shifts in Crop Management Practices. Based on 2017 hectares in conservation tillage, CCR, cover crops, stripcropping, mulching, manure application, and CRP, the national, total CO2e reduction potential was estimated at 134.2 million tonnes (Mt) y−1, ranging from a low of 1.8 Mt y−1 in the Basin and Range to 42.7 Mt y−1 in the Heartland. Tillage, CRP, and CCR made up 94% of the total reductions (figure 2).
Adoption of 42.2 Mha of NT and 39.5 Mha of RT was estimated to reduce CO2e by 64.8 Mt y−1 and ranged from a low of 0.8 Mt CO2e y−1 in the Basin and Range to 28.9 Mt CO2e y−1 in the Heartland. The 9.3 Mha of CRP land was estimated to reduce CO2e by 45.6 Mt y−1 and ranged from 0.5 Mt CO2e y−1 in the Basin and Range to 14.2 Mt CO2e y−1 in the S. Seaboard. CRP contributed to nearly 75% of the total estimated CO2e reduction potential in the Mississippi Portal and S. Seaboard.
Conservation crop rotation on 28.1 Mha nationally was estimated to reduce CO2e by 16.3 Mt CO2e y−1 and ranged from 0.4 Mt CO2e y−1 in the Basin and Range to 4.6 Mt CO2e y−1 in the Heartland. Cover crop hectares were 6.2 M in 2017, equating to a CO2e reduction potential of 4.6 Mt CO2e y−1 and ranged from 16,000 t CO2e y−1 in the Basin and Range to 1.8 Mt CO2e y−1 in the Heartland.
Business-as-Usual and Accelerated Scenarios for Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Reduction Projections—National. Under the 10-year BAU scenario, if conservation practice adoption continues at current annual growth rates, a total of 15.9, 104.4, 45.5, and 8.4 Mha is expected to be in cover cropping, conservation tillage, CCR, and manure application practices within 10 years, which represents new adoption levels of 9.7, 31.0, 17.4, and 1.2 Mha since 2017, respectively (tables S4 through S7). Nationally, the projected annual growth rate for the conservation management practices (i.e., cropland and CRP) was 6.2 Mha y−1 of cropland, with the highest growth in conservation tillage (3.1 Mha y−1), CCR (1.7 Mha y−1), and cover crops (0.97 Mha y−1); whereas the growth rates for the other four practices were substantially lower at <0.14 Mha y−1 (figure 3). These adoption rates translate to a total national CO2e reduction potential of an additional 48.7 Mt CO2e y−1 (figure 4) with conservation tillage (20.4 Mt CO2e y−1), CCR (10.1 Mt CO2e y−1), cover crop (8.8 Mt CO2e y−1), and CRP (8.1 Mt CO2e y−1) comprising 98% of the national total (figure 3). Except for CRP, where conversion to woodlots dominated in some regions (e.g., S. Seaboard), the number of hectares adopting a given practice in large part drives the CO2e reduction potential and in descending order was conservation tillage, CCR, cover crop, CRP, manure, mulching, and stripcropping.
Projecting the accelerated growth rates for the conservation management practices evaluated translated to new practice adoption on 13.1 Mha y−1 of cropland nationally, with an increase in adoption ranging from 7,000 ha y−1 for stripcropping to 4.9 Mha y−1 for tillage. Other annual increases included approximately 2.7 Mha y−1 in cover crops, 0.54 Mha y−1 in CRP, 0.24 Mha y−1 in mulching, and 1.3 Mha y−1 in manure amendments (figure 3). These accelerated growth rates translate into CO2e reduction potential of an additional 118.5 Mt CO2e y−1 (figure 5) with the tillage (39.8 Mt CO2e y−1), CRP (27.7 Mt CO2e y−1), cover crop (25.4 Mt CO2e y−1), and CCR (20.2 Mt CO2e y−1) comprising 95% of the national total (figure 3).
Business-as-Usual Scenarios for Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Reduction Projections—Regional. Under the BAU scenario, the Heartland constituted 41% or 19.8 Mt CO2e y−1 of the total national CO2e reduction potential of 48.7 Mt CO2e y−1 (figure 4), reflecting the region’s relatively large number of hectares and relatively high ERCs for most practices. The next four regions in descending order were the Prairie Gateway, N. Great Plains, S. Seaboard, and Mississippi Portal that combined made up 45% of the national total CO2e reduction potential.
For six of the regions, conservation tillage had the highest contribution to the CO2e reduction potential except for the E. Uplands (CRP), Mississippi Portal (cover crop), and S. Seaboard (CRP) (figure 4). The regional contribution of conservation tillage averaged 37.5% and ranged from 13.3% for the S. Seaboard to 53.2% in the Heartland. To achieve the CO2e reduction potential for this scenario, conservation tillage must increase nationally by 3.1 Mha y−1 and ranges regionally between 47,131 ha y−1 in E. Uplands to 1.3 Mha y−1 in the Heartland (table S4). Over the 10-year scenario, IT hectares were reduced by 22.7 Mha, with 16.6 Mha converting to RT and 14.4 Mha converting to NT/ST.
Cover crop ranged from 1.0% of the regional total for the Basin and Range to 37.3% in the Mississippi Portal, where it ranked as the top practice for CO2e reduction potential. Other regions where cover crop was greater than 10% of the regional total were the Heartland (27.0%), E. Uplands (12.1%), S. Seaboard (10.2%), and N. Crescent (10.0%). To achieve the CO2e reduction potential in each region requires an average compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% and ranged from 1.4% or 5,346 ha y−1 in the Fruitful Rim to 15.2% CAGR or 78,394 ha y−1 in the Mississippi Portal (table S4).
CCR was the second highest contributing practice in five of the nine regions (excluding E. Uplands, Heartland, Mississippi Portal, and S. Seaboard). The average regional contribution to CO2e reduction potential was 25.8% and ranged from 11.7% in the S. Seaboard to 40.0% in the Prairie Gateway. Nationally, CCR must grow at 1.7 Mha y−1 and range from about 31,000 ha y−1 in the Basin and Range to 459,000 ha y−1 in the Heartland to achieve the reported CO2e reduction potentials.
Accelerated Scenario for Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Reduction Projections—Regional. Regional patterns for the accelerated scenario were similar to those observed for the BAU scenario, with the Heartland accounting for 42.0 Mt y−1 or 35.4% of the 118.5 Mt y−1 national CO2e reduction potential (figure 5). The next four regions in descending order were the S. Seaboard, Mississippi Portal, N. Great Plains, and Prairie Gateway, and collectively they made up 49.1% of total national reduction potential.
Under the accelerated scenario, conservation tillage made up the largest proportion of CO2e reduction potential for all regions except E. Uplands, Mississippi Portal, and S. Seaboard, and ranged from 0.5 Mt CO2e y−1 in Basin and Range to 16.7 Mt CO2e y−1 in Heartland (figure 5). To achieve the CO2e reduction potential, hectares implementing conservation tillage must increase at an average regional growth rate of 541,867 ha y−1. Over the 10-year scenario, there will be a decrease of 27.6 Mha of IT, an increase of 38.7 Mha in NT/ST, and an increase of 10.0 Mha in RT. The greatest IT reduction is in the Heartland at 0.84 Mha y−1 and after 10 years will have 26.6 Mha in NT/ST (addition of 12.5 Mha) and 11.8 Mha in RT (addition of 3.6 Mha).
Cover crop was among the top three practices for CO2e reduction potential for four of the regions and comprised 14.5% of the total reduction potential on average (figure 5). It was the top practice for the Mississippi Portal at 35% (4.9 Mt CO2e y−1). Cover crop also comprised over 20% of total reduction potential for E. Uplands at 25% (0.6 Mt CO2e y−1), and Heartland at 37% (15.6 Mt CO2e y−1). To achieve the CO2e reduction potential of 25.4 Mt CO2e y−1 nationally, an average regional CAGR of 13.8% is required and ranges from 2.8% in Fruitful Rim to 25% CAGR in the Heartland and Mississippi Portal (table S3) with the largest net gains in cover crop hectares in the Heartland (16.0 Mha). After 10 years, a total of 26.8 Mha of new cover crops are projected under this scenario with an overall total (new plus existing) of 33.0 Mha.
CCR was the second greatest contributing practice for CO2e reduction potential in Basin and Range at 24.6% or 0.4 Mt CO2e y−1, E. Uplands at 22.2% (0.7 Mt CO2e y−1), and Prairie Gateway at 32.4% (4.6 Mt CO2e y−1). In the Basin and Range, CCR must continue to grow at 62,310 ha y−1, and up to 918,652 ha y−1 in the Heartland (table S6).
Among the regions, the Heartland has the greatest CO2e reduction potential for all of the practices except for stripcropping, where the N. Crescent has the greatest potential at 26,297 t CO2e y−1, and for CRP, where the S. Seaboard is greatest at 11.4 Mt CO2e y−1.
Discussion. Improved management of agricultural soils can mitigate emissions of CO2 and non-CO2 trace gases like N2O and CH4, and also draw CO2 out of the atmosphere (Paustian et al. 2016, 2019a; Griscom et al. 2017; Amelung et al. 2020; Bossio et al. 2020). The accelerated adoption of soil management practices that increase C storage via soil organic matter on the nearly 162 Mha of cropland in the United States can provide readily available, cost-effective climate mitigation benefits (Paustian et al. 2016; Fargione et al. 2018; Sperow 2020).
Conservation practices including those evaluated here result in multiple environmental and productivity benefits that extend beyond increasing the soil C pool (Palm et al. 2014). Among these benefits are improved water quality and availability, aeration, nutrient provision, resistance to erosion, and increased biodiversity, which can result in reduced inputs by improving water and nutrient use and improved resistance to drought or other stresses. Thus, climate mitigation potential is but one of many environmental benefits that are directly and indirectly tied to the practices we consider in this paper.
We recognize the high uncertainty surrounding biogeochemical models upon which we base our estimates and interpretations (Eve et al. 2014). Additional analyses would be beneficial to understand the uncertainty and sensitivity of the calculated ERCs on our scaled estimates of mitigation potential; however, this work was beyond the scope of this project. Estimating data-driven future conservation practices adoption rates would help inform policy and land managers, regardless of the end goal. Thus, our framework that applies previous growth rates to project future adoption levels and then applies these targets to estimate climate mitigation potential is relevant and timely.
Establishing Future Targets Based on Historical Adoption Levels. Current adoption and recent conservation trends can provide an appropriate regional framework for what levels of adoption may be achievable over the next 10 years to inform climate actions by showing the level of increased adoption needed to achieve policy and environmental goals. By setting regionally specific limits of “high” adoption (i.e., accelerated growth scenario), we aimed to be aggressive while recognizing potential limitations based on climate, cropping system, and infrastructure (Bradford et al. 2019).
Conservation tillage has been promoted by NRCS and conservationists for the past several decades and as of 2017, has been implemented on 81.6 Mha, accounting for nearly 75% of the reduction potential, excluding CRP. This successful campaign reflects the capability of achieving widespread adoption of a given practice and sets a model for continued expansion as well as opportunities to layer additional conservation practices (e.g., cover cropping and nutrient management). Despite rapid adoption of NT and RT, which corresponded with the implementation of conservation compliance and new herbicide-tolerant crop varieties (reducing the need to till to manage weeds), adoption has leveled off (or even dropped) in some crops, suggesting that we may be at an adoption plateau. For example, according to data collected from the USDA’s Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), no-till wheat and soybean (Glycine max) adoption increased between 2002 and 2009, but adoption slowed for wheat between 2009 and 2017, and decreased in soybeans between 2006 and 2012 (Claassen et al. 2018). Thus, our estimates for the BAU scenario may overestimate future adoption levels if adoption is reaching a plateau for all cropping systems nationally. Estimates for the accelerated scenario were not dependent upon a linear response but rather by bringing all counties to the 95th percentile target within each region. Our accelerated scenario models a transition to almost no IT with 96% of available hectares or 109 Mha under conservation tillage, with 74% of conservation tillage in NT (compared to 52% NT in BAU). Under this scenario, CO2e was reduced by 104.6 Mt y−1, which is similar to estimates generated by Lal et al. (2003), who estimated a reduction of 117.5 Mt CO2e y−1 associated with 114 Mha of conservation tillage.
In contrast to conservation tillage, cover cropping has a relatively low level of adoption, with less than 5% of available hectares under cover crops nationally. A compound annual growth rate was used to reflect the rapid growth of this practice between the last two agricultural censuses (Wallander et al. 2021). Extending these rates over the following 10 years suggests that nearly 15.9 Mha will be using cover crops by 2027. Nationally, this equates to only 12% of available ha in cover cropping, but key regions such as the Heartland, Mississippi Portal, and the S. Seaboard will have 17% to 25% of available ha in cover crops. Our more ambitious goal of achieving 33 Mha in cover crops in 10 years is lower than the 2025 goal of 40.5 Mha suggested by Hamilton et al. (2017), but still requires increasing cover crop adoption to more than double the current growth rates.
Although not originally designed to address C sequestration, CRP has been shown to sequester C from 0.15 to more than 4.0 t CO2e ha−1 y−1 depending on previous land management history and length of time enrolled in the program (Collins et al. 2012; Li et al. 2017). At the maximum historical enrollment of 14.9 Mha, we estimated a national average of 4.9 t CO2e ha−1 y−1. The overall importance of this program and its impacts on C sequestration has prompted a new US$10M initiative to measure and monitor these rates nationally (USDA FSA 2021). By investing in this monitoring program, models and conservation planning resources will be improved to better quantify climate benefits and other ecosystem services.
What Determines the Mitigation Potential of Practices in Different Regions? The mitigation potential of a particular practice in each region depends on the ERC associated with the practice change in the region (which also depends on biophysical and climatic factors), the amount of cropland in the region, and the current level and expected rate of adoption of the practice. Said differently, we saw that a change in practice adoption in a given region made a larger relative contribution to mitigation potential, all else equal, if (1) its land base in agricultural cropland is large or (2) the potential emissions reductions per hectare due to the practice change (wERCs) were large due to regional heterogeneity in soils or climate. As such, the Heartland consistently leads the nation in CO2e reduction potential for the three scenarios. With over 28% of the cropland and relatively high wERCs for practices, the Heartland constituted 32%, 41%, and 35% of the CO2e reduction potential in existing, BAU, and accelerated scenarios. Although the S. Seaboard comprises less than 5% of US cropland, it ranked highly in CO2e reduction potential relative to other regions due to the high wERCs associated with planting trees on CRP land, the role of maintaining and increasing NT adoption, and soil and climatic factors (e.g., when compared with the Basin and Range region, which has a similar amount of cropland, but lower wERCs for the same practice change).
Conservation Crop Rotations and Cover Crops Could Play Larger Roles in Future Mitigation Potential. While reducing tillage on cropland remains a key practice to reduce emissions, we predict that CCR and cover crops could play a relatively larger role in potential emissions reductions over the next 10 years. For four regions, the wERC is greater for CCR than either of the two cover crop practice options. These four regions are in the drier western United States (Basin and Range, N. Great Plains, and Prairie Gateway) or colder regions of the Northeast (N. Crescent). In the southern plains of New Mexico, cover crops may result in lower yield and profitability as compared to fallow (Acharya et al. 2019) but still reduce erosion and increased soil C. CCR in eastern Colorado on the other hand showed a significant increase in soil C and yield (Sherrod et al. 2003). Claassen et al. (2018) estimate that approximately 28% of corn area, 12% of soybean area, and 19% of wheat area was planted as part of a CCR in recent years. In our accelerated scenario, where adoption rates need to be increased, it may be practical and/or beneficial to prioritize CCR over cover crops depending upon management and policy goals.
Additionally, there are several limitations with respect to estimating the emissions reduction potential of CCR. First, we used data on hectares with conservation practice payments for CCR as a proxy for adoption of CCR, which results in our analysis likely underestimating the reduction potential of the practice since this is only a subset of total adoption. For example, in the case of cover crops, only about a third of cover cropped hectares in 2018 were estimated to be receiving a payment from a state or federal program (Wallander et al. 2021). COMET-Planner estimates assume scenarios of decreasing fallow frequencies and/or adding perennial crops to rotations, which likely model higher wERCs for CCR than those associated with the practice as implemented and thus overestimate reduction potential. In contrast, the NRCS practice standard for CCR in many cases/regions can be achieved through modifying the crop rotation to include double cropping, cover cropping, legumes, and/or higher residue crops, but without incorporating perennials or reducing fallow. Clearly, acquiring more accurate practice estimates on US cropland can help alleviate these uncertainties and improve overall climate benefit estimates.
Remaining Potential. Regardless of regional limitations to cover crop adoption, there is a large land base available for cover cropping providing large potential for CO2e reductions. After accounting for adoption under the accelerated scenario, there are 97.6 Mha remaining, which is three times the total projected to be in cover crops under the accelerated scenario. Full adoption of this practice alone could translate to as much as 83 Mt CO2e y−1 of additional reduction potential. Remaining hectares ranged from 2.4 Mha in E. Uplands to 23.6 Mha in Heartland.
For conservation tillage, there are 4.7 Mha of IT that could be converted to RT or NT and 18.3 Mha of RT that could be converted to NT and opportunities differ based on resource region. For example, in the Fruitful Rim, 59% of hectares remain under IT. The Mississippi Portal and N. Crescent have 40% and 34% of hectares under IT, respectively. Crops in these regions are characterized by grain crops and may be regions to prioritize over the Fruitful Rim since these cropping systems are more amenable to conservation tillage in comparison to specialty crops common to the Fruitful Rim. Conservation tillage adoption is currently lower in many vegetable and specialty crops, particularly organic farms; however, reduced tillage practices have been shown to be successful when combined with cover crops to help promote weed suppression (Pieper et al. 2015; Kornecki and Price 2019). Therefore, further expansion in these regions may be achievable as alternative methods of weed suppression are further refined.
Future Research and Directions. There is a continuous need for model enhancement and validation to improve estimates and reduce uncertainties. For example, recent evidence has called into question the impact of NT management on soil C sequestration when the entire soil profile is considered (Powlson et al. 2014; Stewart et al. 2017), and global efforts are underway to address this issue (Paustian et al. 2019b; Smith et al. 2020). Additionally, model parametrization that allows for estimation of C saturation/equilibrium limit of soils (Six et al. 2002; Stewart et al. 2007) will help extend our ability to project beyond the current 20-year timeframe.
Acquisition of inventory data at multiple spatial, temporal, and commodity levels also is necessary to address the unique characteristics of agricultural systems. The simultaneous use of cover crops and NT on the same hectares may provide synergistic climate benefits (Olson et al. 2014; McClelland et al. 2020; McNunn et al. 2020) but national inventory data are not collected in a consistent or frequent enough manner to capture these changes. Currently, the Ag Census occurs every five years and is not designed to track multiple practices on the same land or by commodity. Other surveys, such as the ARMS or the USDA Conservation Effects Assessment Project, collect much more detail on field- or farm-level adoption of agricultural practices (including conservation practices), but have smaller sample sizes and, in the case of ARMS, targets the sample to be representative of management practices for a particular commodity each year.
In this paper, we assume practices are adopted county-wide but specific crops may limit that assumption and many farmers may vary practice use year-to-year, such as with cover crops or tillage. Many farms in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean rotations, for example, use alternating tillage in which soybean is NT and tillage occurs before corn. The USDA ERS has documented temporal variation and joint adoption of practices through surveys (Claassen et al. 2018; Wallander et al. 2021), but the spatial resolution is not at the county level, such as the Ag Census. Finally, survey questions that ask farmers to report practices (such as tillage or cover crop use), rely on farmer self-identification of practice categories, which may not always align with practice definitions as modeled or written into a federal practice standard. USDA NASS regularly requests input from stakeholders on improving the census questionnaire; thus, these limitations may be addressed in future federal surveys to provide more specific information about the conservation practices used, how they fit into rotations, and how they are stacked.
New remotely sensed data sources are becoming increasingly useful for tracking practice adoption and potentially can augment survey data, though additional algorithms and models to tie remotely sensed imagery to activities on the ground are needed. A good example of this is the Operational Tillage Information System, or OpTIS, that can detect the presence or absence of a cover crop (Hagen et al. 2020) but is not yet equipped to distinguish between different cover crop species or estimate biomass, which are important for estimating GHG emissions and water quality benefits. Similarly, remotely sensed estimates of tillage practices rely on observed residue cover, which can be, but is not always, a good proxy for soil disturbance or GHG impacts.
The BAU scenario cannot be reached without continued investment in current programs, whereas achieving accelerated targets will require additional investments to overcome economic, social, and policy barriers (Prokopy et al. 2019; Ranjan et al. 2019). To achieve targets set by the US economy-wide commitment under the Paris Climate Agreement, the agricultural sector may have to utilize an aggressive, multipronged approach to reduce emissions far beyond the maximal 40% contribution estimated here. Potential approaches include (1) increased adoption levels of the cropland practices beyond those reported in this paper; (2) additional uptake of practices not included in this study on crop and grazinglands (e.g., precision agriculture, nutrient management, silvopasture, and prescribed grazing) and within the livestock subsector (e.g., feed additives and improved manure handling) (Patra 2016; Harrison et al. 2021); and (3) investing in the research and development of novel approaches such as new crop and microbial genetics, electric tractors, etc. (Northrup et al. 2021). Reaching net C neutrality or beyond would likely require addressing the myriad of barriers associated with adoption, developing nascent market opportunities, supporting the social processes involved in transitioning production systems, and providing substantial incentives.
Summary and Conclusions
Estimating existing CO2e reduction potential based on shifts in land management practices from 2012 to 2017 provides three key outcomes: (1) agriculture has had a substantial impact on GHG mitigation through existing/historical adoption of six cropland management practices and conversion of lands to the CRP; (2) these shifts in adoption provide an important baseline to make future projections of changes in practice adoption given regional trends and the resulting GHG mitigation potentials; and (3) disaggregating national estimates to the farm resource region level can help to inform and prioritize programs and policies consistent with existing climate goals.
The total net climate benefit of the new conservation practice adoption under the accelerated scenario (118.5 Mt CO2e y−1) is estimated to be equivalent to 17.7% of the current emissions from the agricultural sector (669.5 Mt CO2e y−1 in 2019) (USEPA 2021). Estimates of current potential include 134.2 Mt CO2e y−1 of climate mitigation benefit derived from previously adopted conservation practices; however, not all of this climate benefit can be fully credited. Adjustments due to long-term management (over the 20-year modeling timeframe) and the C saturation/equilibrium limit of soils need to be considered but are currently unknown.
This framework provides a useful starting point for setting reasonable, short-term conservation practice adoption targets by production region. However, uncertainties remain that limit our ability to comprehensively assess recent trends, project future adoption, address subregional variations in cropping systems, and evaluate the climate impact of complex adoption scenarios. Overcoming these limitations would enable researchers to provide clearer guidance to agricultural climate mitigation efforts.
Supplemental Material
The supplementary material for this article is available in the online journal at https://doi.org/10.2489/jswc.2023.00132.
Disclaimer and Funding Statement
The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the authors and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or US Government determination or policy. This research was supported in part by the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, and American Farmland Trust.
- Received September 7, 2021.
- Revision received March 3, 2022.
- Accepted April 9, 2022.
- © 2023 by the Soil and Water Conservation Society